
Infaq Coaster Bus

Donation Raised 1.37%
451 Person Donated
The Pertubuhan Jagaan Kasih (PJK) was established in Kuala Nerang, Kedah in 2017 and registered under ROS PPM-005-02-0906020. PJK also adheres to all Department of Social Welfare (JKM) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and JKM constantly monitors all activities conducted by PJK.

At present, there are 24 students residing at the PJK home, consisting of orphans and asnaf children. In order to foster success in both worldly and hereafter matters, PJK intends to purchase a coaster bus to facilitate the movement of students to school, extra classes, healthcare facilities, emergency situations, educational trips, and various curriculum and co-curricular activities.

In response to this need, PJK has initiated a waqf fund to purchase a coaster bus. May your generosity and kindness in sharing your blessings to support orphaned children serve as evidence of our love for the Prophet Muhammad and be blessed by Allah.

Beloved Orphans of the Prophet Muhammad.


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